Chemistry(s) indications require local injections in discrete units across multiple sites at specific anatomical locations. Furthermore, they require a high reproducibility to maximize the clinical benefit. Unfortunately, the ease and precision of injection with the universally-employed “free-hand” technique are inconsistent and unreliable. Some practitioners have resorted to using multiple syringes filled with individual doses, or they frequently pause during the procedure to estimate the remaining contents in the syringe barrel. These methods produce inconsistent results and add unnecessary time and complexity to the process.
Today’s practitioner needs a simple, reusable, injection assist accessory, that complements disposable syringes used during procedures. RiteDose removes inconsistencies, increases reproducibility, and reduces practitioner burden while increasing efficiency throughout the process. RiteDose’s technician-driven injection assist tool, the anatomically correct device, fits easily into either hand and provides a precise, systematic dose of fluid with every click, taking the guesswork out of the delivery process. With RiteDose, anyone can accurately dispense the precise amount of Chemistry(s), eliminating overdosing and inconsistent results.